Severn Trent – Our Water

Creating a new brand platform to be proud of.

The Insight

Severn Trent Water was voted the best water in the UK. They were keen to educate their customers on looking after it and being mindful of wastage.

Our Brand and Cultural Transformation Purpose:
Get the people of the Severn Trent region cherishing their water.


The Idea

The fact is, Severn Trent Water naturally flows through man-made boundaries and is shared by multiple counties and even over two countries (England and Wales). By giving ownership of the water that these communities use, we are able to leverage passion and pride in the water.

We created a unified brand platform that will serve as a springboard for their marketing communications over the next seven years.

Our Water

This isn’t just any old water.
This is Our Water – pride of our region.
From our rivers. Our reservoirs.

‘Miss it when you’re away, love it when you’re back’ water.
Can’t get cuppas like this anywhere else.

But if we want it to stay that way, we need to look after it.
So, let’s cherish it – not waste it. 

‘Cause if we all do our bit today,
it’ll stay wonderful.
And our grandkids’ grandkids will thank us too.

Our Water. Together, let’s do right by it.